Whether it’s happened to you or someone close to you, sustaining serious personal injuries can be a very traumatic and stressful event, both physically and financially. While the physical and emotional consequences can be overwhelming by themselves, significant medical expenses can make the situation seem even more challenging to overcome.

Pursuing a personal injury case can help lessen the financial burden placed on you or a loved one when fault lies somewhere else. Many times, personal injury victims may be hesitant to pursue such a case to avoid damaging a close relationship with a friend or family member.

If you find yourself in a similar situation, be aware that in many cases, a claim can be made against the other person’s insurer, not the individual themselves. Keep reading to learn some of the reasons for moving forward with a personal injury claim.

Read Also: 5 Steps to Take After Suffering a Personal Injury in Wisconsin

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Lost Wages and Medical Expenses Due to a Personal Injury

The most obvious reason to go forward with a personal injury claim is to receive compensation for any immediate medical expenses that came as a result of the injury. The cost of hospital stays, surgeries, and any medication used during treatment can quickly build up immediately after the incident.

Many injuries can prevent the victim from being able to work, either temporarily or permanently. When this is the case, the loss of wages can make paying for expenses even harder. This is why it’s important to include the earnings lost during recovery in your claim.


Read Also: When to Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in  Madison, WI

Long-term Treatment and Therapy

Depending on the injury, the victim may require surgery and/or physical therapy to rehabilitate them back to health. For serious injuries where full recovery isn’t possible, they may need to make modifications to their home to allow for accessibility, or hire in-home assistants to help them with daily tasks.

If you’re faced with these kinds of on-going expenses as a result of someone else’s negligence, it’s important to include them in your claim to ensure you’ll be capable of making the best recovery possible.

Read Also: 4 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Wisconsin Personal Injury Attorney

Prevention of Future Problems

Many victims of personal injury commonly overlook pursuing a claim to prevent future incidents from happening in the future. These kinds of cases usually involve injuries originating from a dangerous condition such as a hazardous staircase, sidewalk, or any other structure or surface that poses a constant danger to those who around it.

Preventative personal injury cases can also involve more complex problems such as a hospital with inadequate staffing. If, for instance, an understaffed emergency room led to delays or lapses in diagnosis and treatment that caused or contributed to your injury, a claim may be in order.

If you believe your injuries are a direct result of another’s negligence, the next step is to contact an experienced personal injury attorney to determine whether or not you should move forward with a claim.

If you or someone you know is dealing with a personal injury and believes a personal injury case may be in order, contact an experienced personal injury attorney in Madison, Wisconsin today for a free consultation.

FREE Personal Injury Case Evaluation

With over 30 years of experience handling client personal injury cases, Wisconsin Attorney Pat Stangl is happy to extend to you a FREE case evaluation to explore your options. Simply click the link below to request your evaluation.

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